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Flourish Now

I inspire, motivate, and empower you to use the resource of time to:

Discover Your Purpose

Turn Your Passion Into Income

Start A Creative Business

Tell Time From A New Perspective


Do you need someone to ignite a flame, reenergize your soul, and inspire action in what seems like an otherwise extinguished candle? I'm your gal!

People lose sight of their purpose and begin to drift into a melancholy numbing life if they forget their reason for being. One of life's biggest obstacles are the lies of I'm not worthy, I'm not valuable, I'm not enough, Who am I to deserve to...

The truth is you are worthy. You are valuable. You are enough. You deserve all the abundance that is yours to receive now.

Come join me as I light you on fire to discover the most beautiful wonderful, unique, creative version of yourself. You'll find out what you love, what you're great at, what the world needs from you and how you can get paid to do what you love. And most importantly you'll discover your purpose.

Sometimes it just takes looking at time from a different perspective that can be the answer to making all your dreams come true. There is no better time than the present to discover your purpose. It's Time. Flourish Now! Grow vigorously and thrive

Speaking Topics




    To book Kristi to speak at your event please contact

    her at [email protected]

  • Books Offered At A Discount With Speaking Engagement

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    • 100 to 499 Copies -  2% 

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    New Inspiring Podcast Episode On Spotify. Take A Listen!

    Flourish Now

    Do you need to be rescued from time?

    Do you struggle with anxiety because you don't have enough time?

    Does too much time on your hands leave you feeling depressed?

    I Can Help You With That. 

    Don't stay stuck in a life of misery because you haven't discovered your purpose. Whether you're currently struggling with anxiety and depression or have undergone it in the past,

    it's time to turn your passion into income.

  • Schedule a FREE 30 min Introductory Consult

  • Artist Kristi Floersch
    Hello! I'm Kristi

    I'm a Creative Entrepreneur. 

     For the past 30 years I've been consistently switching hats between, artist, author, entrepreneur and leader. I know exactly what it takes to start a business from scratch. Starting with an initial idea, to doing market research, pricing products and services, branding, developing a market plan, financial planning, writing policies, procedures and positions, inspiring employees to step into their full potential, growing, maintaining and planning exit strategies. I consider myself an expert in all these areas because I'm highly experienced. Now I want to help you discover your purpose and turn your passion into income.  


    Artists Reason For Being

    For Ambitious Female Artists & Entrepreneurs

    Schedule A Consult

    Don't Stay Stuck In A Life Of Misery

    The Thrill Of Starting Your Own Business

    • You Love Being Your Own Boss

    • You love being your own boss and taking instruction from your higher power. You're confident in making the right decisions.

    • Starting A Business Is About Passion 

    • Starting a business captured something inside and you desire to serve others with a solution they need.

    • Starting A Business Is An Investment

    • Making an investment to start a business is one of life's greatest thrills because we value accomplishment. When we're successful, we feel good about life.

    • Starting A Business Is A Magic Not Seen In Jobs

    • The entrepreneur transformed a simple idea into a tangible process and called it a business. Now that's worth waking up for everyday. 

    • Starting A Business Leaves A Legacy

    • A cleverly crafted small business gives you a real and emotional legacy to hand down to your friends and family. 

    • Entrepreneurship Is Risky Business

    • Entrepreneurship is a risk worth taking. Sometimes the thrill of risking loss is the motivating factor that drives the entrepreneur forward to achieve the loftiest goals. 

    You're a creative.

    You have an idea.

    Your idea solves a problem.

    You're excited to help people.

    You have experience in this field.

    You desire a professional income.

    But something is missing.

    You don't know how to start and run an online business.


    I can help you with that.

    It's time to confidently and consistently sell your idea to your ideal client.

    You've created a product or service that practically sells itself.

    But, maybe you don't know where to start.

    I understand because I've been exactly where you're at.

    I'm here to teach you everything I know.

    I will help you discover your purpose and turn your passion into income.