It's Time. You finally need to work on the masterpiece that is you and you're a blank canvas.
You're greatest desire is to begin or get back to developing and working in the natural creative skills and talents you were born with.
It's your turn now, and you need to take time to rediscover yourself, get back to your inherited genius, and you know it.
You keep busy doing menial unimportant tasks, nurturing everyone else, trying to make a living at a job you don't enjoy, and being distracted with electronics.
I'm here to help guide you on how to carve out time for yourself, discover your God-given reason for being you, and remind you of who you were born to be.
The truth is, you are worthy and deserve time to do what you want to do, step into your complete full creative potential, and get paid well using your unique gifts and talents.
Give yourself permission to take time for yourself, to discover your real purpose in this life that will bring you fulfillment in doing what you love.
Reunite with your true authentic self, realizing you have been and still are, in the works of becoming the masterpiece that is creatively YOU.
Hi, I'm Kristi Floersch
My whole life I searched to find time to do what I want to do and be paid well to do it.
We know we can turn our passion into income if we are clear on who we are.
We know if we take time for ourselves we discover:
How to invest time in ourselves to bring us joy
How to make an impact with our artistic talent
How to gain clarity on what we love doing
Find out what we are great at doing
Learn what art we can be paid well to make
Uncover how only you can serve the world
Discover our God-given skills, gifts and talents
Validate our soul's calling and reason for being
It's not about racing to jam one more thing into an already packed daily routine.
It's not about learning one more thing to do. It's learning how to just be.
It's about detaching ourselves from routine habits that no longer serve us and freeing us up to be who we're born to be.
I started out as a graphic artist designing commercial signs for a start-up sign company, then started my own large commercial sign business from scratch.
I wrote and self-published a book called "It's Time. Flourish Now"
My greatest desire and soul's calling is to create art to inspire and empower artists to step into our God-given complete, full potential, and be paid well for our gifts and services by spending more time in our zone of genius with the gifts, skills and talent we were born with. Will you join me as an encore artist, living into your full potential?
I didn't get here because I'm special, rich, or rubbing elbows with the in-crowd.
I got here because I just kept iterating, failing, learning and repeating.
I want to show you how you can do the same.
Repeat after me...
I am worthy.
I am valuable.
I am deserving.
The time runs out...
"I feel like I'm always racing doing a lot and have no time to myself"
"I am wasting time doing too much of what I don't want to do"
"I take care of everyone else before I allow myself time to relax"
"I'm mentally exhausted, physically drained and emotionally numb"
"I'm financially unsatisfied and stress has caused a loss of purpose"
"I have completely lost my reason for being"
Does any of that sound familiar?
the truth is and always has been . . .
The Creator chose me to create as His masterpiece
I am a work in process, beautifully and wonderfully made just as I am so far
I am made on purpose with unique skills and talents to serve the world for an important reason
Every moment in my life so far and from now on is intentional and designed on purpose to shape me
Every past and future experience, I'm gaining wisdom, love and understanding
When I am true to myself, my spirit rejoices in the abundance of joy I feel and can be paid forward
Does too much time on your hands leave you feeling depressed?
I Can Help You With That.
Don't stay stuck in a life of misery because you haven't discovered your purpose. Whether you're currently struggling with anxiety and depression or have undergone it in the past,
it's time to turn your passion into income.
Schedule a FREE 30 min Introductory Consult
For Ambitious Female Artists & Entrepreneurs
Starting A Business Is A Magic Not Seen In Jobs
The entrepreneur transformed a simple idea into a tangible process and called it a business. Now that's worth waking up for everyday.
You're excited to help people.
You have experience in this field.
You desire a professional income.
But something is missing.
You don't know how to start and run an online business.
I can help you with that.
It's time to confidently and consistently sell your idea to your ideal client.
You've created a product or service that practically sells itself.
But, maybe you don't know where to start.
I understand because I've been exactly where you're at.
I'm here to teach you everything I know.
I will help you discover your purpose and turn your passion into income.
Now is the time to start doing what you love.
You learn 5 critical steps to finally earn income as the creative you were born to be.
It's your turn to claim your purpose and turn your passion into income.